FBC Update: April 20th 2023
📣 GM Fearless Bulls! & Happy 4/20 🐂🚀
We’ve got a packed update to share today, so buckle up and enjoy the ride💥
🔹 Catalina Whales Nakamoto Syndicate (SOLD OUT)
→ 40 bulls in total, with a mint price of 10 SOL per Bull.
—> 8 x Bulls are redeemable for 2 Catalina Whales + 1 Nakamoto Whale.
The syndicate’s assets include 10 Catalina Whales & 5 Nakamoto Whales! 🐳

🔹 4/20 Raffle Launch: 🚀🌿
In celebration of 4/20, we’re raffling off the legendary Fearless Bull #420 on Monet, designed by Unicris, with traits hand-picked by DJ TRIX🔥🐂
As a high-ranking Bull, it receives 2x $vBLSH emissions, and the lucky winner will also get the LAST un-minted Nakamoto Whale from the FBC treasury! 🐳🌊 Nakamoto Whales, part of the @catalinawhales family, sell for up to 1 BTC! 🌐✨Raffle priced at 420 $vBLSH per ticket. (0.01 SOL)
Enter here: https://monet.community/r/clgobxvia2867961sq7rjzrtad1
🔹 Portfolio Update: Check out the Fearless Bulls Treasury Wallet: https://hyperspace.xyz/account/NcSuHQnpntJbeKGkRqiRxo4aswW1CYCjJEA8rLSnUDL

🔹 FBC DeGod is Bridged to ETH following a majority holder vote;
FBC is, for the first time, covering 3 Blockchains, with Bitcoin Bandits Ordinals on BTC, the above treasury holdings on Solana and DeGods on Ethereum. The future is Multi-chain & we’re here for it.

🔹 New Raydium $vBLSH Farm launching on 1st May 2023: 250,000 $vBLSH + 420 $BLSH rewards for $vBLSH-SOL Liquidity providers! 💸
Add liquidity here: https://raydium.io/clmm/pools (Search $vBSLH)

🔹 Toy Machine re-loaded: We’ve taken emissions tokens from treasury NFT holdings & added them to the Toy Machine including:
200,000 SUITE, 1,000 $PUFF & 5,000 $YAKU! 🎰
1,111 $vBLSH per spin + 0.042 SOL transaction fee.
Spin here: https://toy-machine.fearlessbulls.club/d/BTW4BHGwLSSovLjaA1kBEx6gX1CJvY71PLHDW8eEd5c6

🔹 E-commerce store: Front end is 99% finished, with work on the back end starting next week! 🛍️

🔹 BANX Pre-Sale: Celestials took our full allocation in record time. More spots will be made available for FBC syndicates in the coming days! 👀

🔹Pasture Round 3 is now open until the 30th of April, so don’t miss your chance to participate! 📣 Pasture is an opportunity to submit your OG FBCs and PFPs to receive $BLSH rewards! 🎁💸
Here’s how it works:
1️⃣ For each OG FBC sent to Pasture, you’ll receive 2x $BLSH Airdropped. Submit your OG FBCs to this wallet address: HheA9735VbjhExNsHC78ae9Y1wEiTUJkZNmkrzsDCbHV
2️⃣ For each PFP sent to Pasture, you’ll receive 4x $BLSH Airdropped. Submit your PFPs to this wallet address: 7ffV1omcYffxngxMweC6YJrPvD17nFfmkHExmJSisexZ
Remember, the submission window is open until the 30th of April, so make sure you take advantage of this opportunity! 📆✅
We’re incredibly grateful for your support and can’t wait to see what the future holds for the Fearless Bulls Club! Stay tuned for more exciting updates, and keep being Fearless! 🐂💥
Fearlessly yours, The FBC Team